Parental Alienation Attorneys in Suffolk County
Maintaining Family Bonds in New York
Parental alienation is the intentional or unintentional influence a former spouse may have on the children after divorce or legal separation proceedings commence. What may have begun as an amicable situation in divorce mediation may have soured over time, resulting in one parent interfering in the former spouses/partner parenting time, custody, or visitation with the child or children.
If one parent discusses his or her negative feelings or opinions about the former partner/spouse with the child, that child may begin having his or her own opinion of the other parent colored by these negative emotions. Often, the child may already have some of his own misgivings or upsets with one parent in which case the actions of the other parent may simply intensify those feelings. If this situation sounds familiar, contact our Suffolk County parental alienation attorneys at The Meyers Law Group, P.C. immediately for legal assistance in protecting your relationship with your children.
Establish a relationship with your child. Contact us online or call (631) 496-1484 to talk to a lawyer.
Signs of Parental Alienation
Parental Alienation Syndrome is a disorder that children can experience as a result of one parent or guardian’s attempt to alienate the child from the other parent.
Common signs of parental alienation include:
- Without an explanation, the child no longer wants to visit you
- Your relationship with the child is inexplicably deteriorating
- The child is suddenly blaming you for the divorce or your separation from the other parent
- The child uses mature and grown up words or phrases to explain why they no longer want to visit you or why you are to blame- this is often the result of the other parent continually speaking negatively of you in front of the child
Contact Our Suffolk County Parental Alienation Lawyers Today
Whatever the method or exact circumstances, the resultant harm of parental alienation can be devastating to the relationship between the child and parent. A parental alienation attorney at our Suffolk County firm can discuss all the options with you in any divorce orfamily law situation so that you understand what can be done about it. We care about families and want the best for your relationship with your children.
Despite a divorce or separation, there is no reason to allow your former partner or spouse to spoil the relationship you have with your child or children. It is understandable that divorces are emotionally charged for all involved, but it is important to do all you can to preserve a stable family life for your children. Consider exploring options like parenting plans to help maintain a healthy relationship.
Call us for your free consultation today at (631) 496-1484.